In October 2017, a new pharmacy chain Azbuka Life began to open in the well-known in Moscow, the Moscow Region and St. Petersburg Azbuka Vkusa supermarket chains.
The brand belongs to the pharmacy chain “Mega Farm”, part of the investment group “Marathon Group”. The owners of the company asked Quantum Graphics agency to develop the Azbuka Life brand from the zero stage. The brand is focused on the premium segment of consumers, which is logically integrated into the positioning system of the supermarket itself.
The agency has developed a corporate style, a logo, a format for internal and external design of sales points and prepared a multifunctional pattern. As a result, the customer was provided with a complete brand book and branch book, which include rules and recommendations on the use of visual communication elements, rules for designating sales points and branding of commercial equipment, recommendations on the placement of navigation and the customer management system.
When creating the logo and determining its color scheme, not only the territorial attribute (proximity to supermarkets and the need to combine corporate styles), but also the intended range of products in pharmacies was taken into account. In addition to drugs, it includes a large amount of vitamins, dietary supplements and beauty products of the upper price segment. Also in the logo used a stylistic image of the heart, as a symbol of longevity and health.
According to the Director General of Mega Farm, Andrey Gusev, the first months of the work of the Azbuka Life pharmacies confirm the correctness of the chosen strategic brand positioning and forecasts of the retailer’s consumer traffic conversion.
“We are celebrating the growth of brand awareness and customer loyalty, the average bill now exceeds the planned calculations of a thousand rubles,” commented Andrey Gusev. – We are very carefully approaching the formation of the range for each specific location, so that more than a quarter of the revenue comes from sales of parapharmaceuticals and medical cosmetics. In addition, we made a serious bet on highly qualified personnel. Undoubtedly, the growing demand for seasonal preparations also plays its role. ”