DIY 2016

The future packaging, in our opinion, is a universal package capable of adapting to the consumer, instead of adapting the consumer and his life to it. The idea of our packaging is that you can mold it in anything you need. You do not have to think about how to fit it on the shelf of the refrigerator, where there are many other goods and objects, you do not have to think how to easily find it among other packages, you do not even have to think about what is written in the product if you are on vacation or on business trip. Universal packaging combines all of this: give it the desired shape, choose the color you like, say “hello!” in your own language, and after using the product do not bother yourself with recycling, but simply put the bottle under hot water and it dissolves without causing harm to the environment. The tendency to use icons and emoticons in communication has already entered our everyday life, and this has led us to think that in future there will be no need to use words on the packaging. Therefore, in this package design, we used universal icons that anyone can understand. Nothing extra, just what the consumer needs to know.